The Advantages of Using ChainBreaker

Super Concentrated
ChainBreaker is
MEOR Compliant

Bacteria treatments are all about making the well truly produce what it can everyday without the highs and lows associated with hot oiling. It also is about impacting and cleaning everything from near well bore, to rods, to flow lines through the treater/separator, right to the sales tank by cleaning the bottoms and eliminating that problem. If the well makes water, the bacteria go with the water, thus cleaning the tank bottoms also.

We have production tanks and treaters that typically needed cleaning on an annual basis and they haven’t had to clean tanks or treaters in 5 years of using ChainBreaker. Flow line breaks have also been greatly reduced. One well field has had 2 breaks in 5 years, where it had been a constant problem before.

Using this technology is about letting the well produce what it can and in the end every month selling more oil and reducing over all costs.


other uses for chainbreaker

  • Breaking up tank bottoms, can be usually cleaned up in as little as 60 minutes using a VAC truck or circulating pumps, fluid can be pulled off the recycle line.
  • Cleaning treaters, usually done in 4-5 hours down time versus a day or more.
  • Cleaning up injection water, extending life of filters.
  • Using ChainBreaker instead of chemicals to pig out lines, does a better job and doesn’t create problems in holding tank, actually can be reused once fluid separates, which happens immediately.

to improve petroleum production

Microbial enhanced oil recovery is a biological treatment that is fast becoming an accepted method of maximizing production. Bacteria treatments can remove paraffin-based skin damage from formation faces, thus improving permeability and increasing well potential.

Increased Oil Production

Favorable changes in flow characteristics such as reduced viscosity and increased volatiles are another aspect of bacterial treatment that can yield more oil. ChainBreaker bacteria treatments for control of scale and corrosion employ several substances of microbial metabolism that have chelating, anti-precipitation, filming or bio-surfactant activities. Our bacteria offer the same properties, but not the liabilities of conventional chemical products used as scale and corrosion inhibitors. By using the appropriate microbial amendments, water flood operations can achieve increased effectivity of reduced pressures. Microbes also offer vast potential for improved sweep efficiency as they mobilize residual oil while traveling through the reservoir.

Various type of well bore can significantly hinder oil and gas production and near- well bore formation damage. This formation damage can either plug perforations or reduce the effective permeability of the oil-bearing formation. Existing well stimulation methods used to remedy these problems can often have high chemical ,pumping and disposal production problems caused by these organic deposits of “hot oiling”. However, this method often poses a more serious problem of reintroducing undesirable organic deposits back into the formation and has limited effectiveness in preventing or inhibiting buildup of additional deposits.

Crude oil that contains paraffin mixtures (waxy hydrocarbon mixtures) will thicken and solidify the crude at a certain temperature called the “cloud” point. Oilfield operators usually halt pumping intermittently to clean out paraffin-clogged lines with a device that flushes heated oil down hole to melt the paraffin. If the well is not regularly treated with hot oil, sucker rods may stick and/or break. Also, it may damage or fill the porosity that the hot oiling is trying to open. Both halting pumping and hot oiling are expensive and result in decreased oil production.

ChainBreaker bacteria treatments remove particulates and organic and inorganic precipitates from well bores and the surrounding formation, thereby restoring permeability and improving the economics of producing and increasing production of older wells that might otherwise be abandoned. ChainBreaker bacteria is a proprietary non-pathogenic bacteria formulation. It is a specialized combination of bacteria derived from the families of bacteria known to degrade petroleum constituents. ChainBreaker bacteria treatments increase oil production approximately 35% to 100%.

Freeze Resistant

Tests in the Northern United States have shown that wells treated with ChainBreaker bacteria exhibit fewer freeing problems than wells not treated with this program. In extreme freezing temperatures, as low as 50 below zero, treated wells have continued to flow, maintaining the oil viscosity.

MEOR Compliant

Another advantage of the ChainBreaker bacteria treatment is that it is considered a form of Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery program that may have certain tax advantages in some states. Of course, this will vary from state to state, however it is a source of profit that should be investigated.